Sunday Services
We meet together for worship each Sunday at 10:30am and 5:00pm at the North Gate Hall, 18 St Michael’s St, OX1 2DU.
All of our services are live-streamed on YouTube. You can download our orders of service on our home page.
Visit our teaching page to watch the latest recordings.
Midweek meetings give us the opportunity to support and encourage one another as we serve and follow Jesus, to enjoy one other’s company, and to be stretched and grow as we study God’s word, and to lift our prayers to God together as a community.

Women’s Ministry
The women of Oxford Presbyterian care deeply for one another and for our church family. As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are lovingly committed to sharing our lives with one another as we grow in practicing our faith. We are passionate about supporting one another through physical help, through spiritual guidance and mentoring, and through heartfelt prayer as we seek to glorify God in our day-to-day experience.

Multigenerational services offering a warm welcome to the youngest and the oldest members of our congregation are an essential part of our vision at Oxford Pres. Our Children’s Club meets once each month after the morning service, alongside our Bring-and-Share Lunch.
The growing group of teens at Oxford Pres meet twice a month in term time for food, fun and Bible teaching.

Oxford Pres is still quite a young church (services began in September 2018) and all of us know what it feels like to be newcomers and how important it is to help newcomers quickly feel at home. Whether you’re from the UK or from abroad, whether you’re moving here permanently, or for a degree course, or for just a term, we would love to welcome you into our church family.
Huge numbers of people arrive in and leave Oxford every year. We see it as part of our mission to help you find community, support, and to make your time here not just intellectually, but also spiritually, invigorating.
Our church services follow a traditional pattern – incorporating prayer, singing, confessions of sin, confessions of faith, and expository Bible teaching. We are very relaxed and young children are welcome at all our services.
For more information, contact andy@oxfordpres.co.uk

Oxford is an international cultural hub, hosting conferences and seminars every year that explore and shape social trends and drive forward cutting-edge research. We believe the Christian gospel belongs at the heart of this discussion, engaging constructively with the questions of the day, and posing questions of its own that inspire us and challenge our assumptions.
At Oxford Pres we’re committed to organising and sponsoring events that let Jesus’ voice be heard in the debates that animate our city.